Image of Flower Essences

Flower Essences


Handmade flower essences work with the etheric nature of flowers for emotional alchemy and personal growth. Before a successful homeopathy treatment can begin, if extreme emotional turmoil is present then flower essences are most effective. Heals the emotional body of humans. Flowers have active etheric bodies which work with aspects of the human energy systems. This allows deep emotional patterns to be cleared. These emotional patterns can linger from past lives and affect the present and future. Clear the blockages with flower essences to unlock the deeper potential of existence here and now. Reach greater heights in your abilities to manifest and achieve dreams.
In intense states of worry, thoughts can become repetitive. Flower essences can put worries to rest and allow you to expand horizons.
Flower essences are energy medicine which work with the homeopathic principles. Only a small amount is necessary to affect great change.
Harvested and made by hand in Finland.
The current selection is
Rose and jasmine flowers
St John's Wort blossom
Lavender bloom
Yarrow flower

Each work to restore balance and are calming to emotions.
Chamomile works to loosen blocks in the solar plexus chakra. If you feel anxiety and stomach knots as a result, your power center is affected by your emotions. Chamomile can soften this, enabling better energy flow, less anxiety, improved sleep and more even moods.
Rose is the highest vibrating plant and excellent for self love and self image.
Jasmine opens to sensual possibilities, the pleasures of life and the mysteries of the night.
St John's Wort is known as an effective and helpful, gentle antidote to depression. On the energetic level, the blossoms work to lighten up the energy, allow blocks to be lifted easily and without trauma. It improves the resilience of the nerves.
Yarrow is excellent for relieving deep scars of trauma old and new. Especially helpful for clearing past life patterns due to trauma, allowing greater growth and new potential to emerge.
Violet helps to realize hidden potential and to overcome shyness. If you are afraid of disapproval or misunderstanding from others, and as a result tend to refrain from sharing your talents, gifts and thoughts, then violet is an excellent choice for you.
Calendula is soothing and helps with the fears and reservations that keep us distant in relationships. It eases fears around appearing vulnerable, takes away sexual shyness and that which prevents closeness in relationships. It can loosen blockages relating to relationships, self image and love. It can help expression, and for repressed dreams to surface allowing deeper healing and clearing of the sacral chakra.
Specify which essences you are ordering. Free consultations available as well as personalized blends at no extra charge.